Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Birthday!

We didn't have a party or much of anything, but he got a peaceful day to nap and bark at neighbors.

Here's some Shadow birthday pictures and a video:

Shadow's birthday portrait. Isn't it lovely?

Today Shadow turned 2 years old!

This is Shadow singing his birthday song!

{And yes, I am the horrible voice following along, I would like to say that I CAN sing better than that, as it doesn't take very much to get better than the person singing in this video, I'm no American Idol star but can sing a little better when the occasion arrises, but unfortunatly this was not one of those occassions. : ) }



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Birfday Shadow!

Tank woo fur singing to us and with Sarah!


Pippa said...

Hello Shadow, belated barkday greetings.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, uh. . .sorry Shadow, this is way late! Happy [belated] birthday! Great singing!